Hello and welcome to this edition of the Music by Michael Keepsake Companion! This special keepsake is a companion to the Music by Michael tape, CD, and video series. In this edition we focus on the subject of peace and its significance for us. I hope this keepsake will uplift you and help bring peace to every circumstance of your life. Blessings! -Michael


About Our Theme. . .


The most important source of peace for us is God, who is the spirit of love in our hearts and in our world. No matter what happens to us, we know that "All shall be well," because God is with us.


A Special Poem for You. . .


In The Garden, 
Walk soft upon the grass, shoes discarded, 
As seeds dance in the breeze,
Their airy feather parachutes 
Depositing precious cargo to seedbeds unknown.

Walk in the garden. 
And like the dancing, floating seeds,
Let your destination be unknown-
Sit on this bench . . . now that one . . .
End up where you may!

Put down your book, and grow silent.
Listen to clear, echoed bird-song
In adjacent woodland cathedral,
Its cavernous, ceiling of leaf and branch towering 
Projecting peace and birdsong for all who walk
In the Garden. 

-Michael D. Purvis © 2001



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